Wednesday, March 7, 2012

They Sort of Look Alike

Painting my entry and on the search for a new cheap, I mean inexpensive chandelier.  Got a discount alert in my email from Overstock today, so I checked them out first.

Just what I was looking for, I really mean it.

Overstock $149.99.

Then I decided to check out Restoration Hardware, a girl can dream can't she?

Restoration Hardware $ 629.00

A tad bigger, a little different and a lot more expensive!

While at Restoration Hardware, I spied this interesting piece.

Restoration Hardware $975.00

Not for my entry, but great over a harvest table, probably a very nice harvest table.

Over at Lowe's they have something similar.

Lowe's $249.00

So when I'm all done with my front hall,  and the Overstock chandelier is shining bright, and someone says "did you get that at Restoration Hardware?"  I'll be thinking, you don't know me very well do you?


  1. I love it when you can find something gorgeous at a fair price to take the place of something "out of this world priced." As a boutique florist, I have so little time to compare looks. I'm glad bloggers like you can do it for us all.

  2. Love this! Ballard has one I'd like over a harvest table.

  3. I'll check it out!


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