Thursday, March 8, 2012

Feeling Like Spring

Boy, what a beautiful day, and look what is coming our way.

The ice has melted on the Kennebec.

You can get to the Rail Trail without wearing Grippers.

Store windows are blooming.

The sidewalks are dirty but not hazardous.

And soon the awning will be up, tables set and dinner served above the river.

After walking through town, Hobie and I did little else.  He basked in the sun.

And so did I.

Soon we'll get everything out of the barn and set up the porch.   It turned out like this last year.

I spend sooo much time on the porch, morning, noon and night.  Such a great place to be, smack dab in the center of town.

I've often thought of changing to those presidential rockers, but I don't know if I want to be rocking everytime I move (might spill my wine).

What do you think about a few rockers, yea or nay?

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