Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The White House

Okay, it is rather apparent, I am going through a WHITE phase!!

First the living room and now the hall.  From Apple Green to White Dove.

It's been green for about ten years, that's quite some time for me. I figured if I didn't like the white, I'd call it primer and go on from there, but I do.  I like it very, very much!

The chandelier will find a new home in my "little room" (another one of my ongoing projects) and something a bit more substantial will replace it.

This is a big project for little ole me, I can't reach the tippy, tippy top.  Someone's going to have to come in, rig something up and do the scary high part for me. If I could only remember who finished off the green.

When I come in the back door and look through the dining room to the front hall, I like what I see...no green.

Oh no, I'm looking at the dining room and asking myself.....should that room be white?  Not for a while, Melinda, the Monroe Bisque has barely had time to dry!

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