Friday, May 11, 2012

They Sort Of Look Alike

I found some DMC window boxes and planters at my good old salvage store for $29.99.  I put them together in a flash and they'll be great flanking my rather wide front door.


My curiosity being what it is, I looked online to see what I could see.

The same planter at Target. 


Prairie Leisure Design makes one with slats. (So does DMC, and their screws don't scream at you like the these do.)


And last but not least, the creme de la creme, the Oxford Garden Planter.


No question, this looks like quality (nice not to see the screws) but couldn't they have at least put a plant in it?

1 comment:

  1. The ones you purchased look so much nicer, have more detail, and are already painted. Great job!


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