Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Mountain of Mulch

Well, don't you think I should do something about this mess?

Looks like it's time to weed and mulch, weed and mulch.

I am not the best at putting things away, so of course there is no dandelion digger in sight. (It's probably rusting under a bush somewhere.)

 "Don't say I never buy you anything, dear,"  I hear as Douglas gets out of the car.  

Best $1.00 he ever spent.  Kept me out of his hair for at least a couple of hours.

So I got rid of all the weeds, now time to get the mulch.  I always buy the bags at Lowes or Home Depot but this year decided I wanted the good stuff. The kind that's fine, and dark, and rich looking,  I don't need much mulch, nowhere near a truckload so I'll go get it myself.  (No delivery charge for me!)

Well, we went to Agway and there it was.....a mountain of the good stuff. I showed the man my plastic bags and asked if I could fill them.  He kinda looked at me funny, while explaining the least I could buy was one bucket load.  Bucket?  At $16.00, I was thrilled, after all I had my two huge contractor's bags.  The bags were big but his bucket was bigger!

 I got the feeling Douglas didn't appreciate my ingenuity on this one.  He didn't seem to take the same pride in our rather large pile of mulch sitting in the Agway parking lot as I did.  Ten bags and three trips later we had our (by this time I think it was "my" mulch).

Wasn't our little adventure worth it?

Oops, a few more weeds. I'm right on it, as soon as I find my you-know-what.

This worked out so well, I'm thinking I should find a place where we can bag our own pea stones. Well, maybe not.  But I do see far more stone and less grass in front of the ell in the very near future.


  1. I just found your blog, Melinda. I linked to it from your RMS post of your foyer pics. WOW - Maine! I live in Austin, TX. Never had the pleasure of being to your part of the world. You have a beautiful home and a wonderful eye for detail.

  2. Thank you so much! I've never been to Texas either. Hope you enjoy my blog, let me know when you stop by again. Just started a Page on Facebook today, press the pink MJ and you'll be there. Hope you "like" it.

  3. Well done, Melinda, simple, clean and eye catching. Agway may not "like" you when people start showing up with their black plastic garbage bags but it works!!!

  4. Thanks, not too much yet, but every plant is from a friend which is kinda nice.


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