Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Louis Likes the Living Room

I really like this chair from Ballards.

Very nice, could go almost anywhere, and not bad for $550.00 - $750.00, depending on the fabric and finish.

I like this one too.

Works for me, $75.00 at T.J. Maxx.  I keep hoping to find another.

They call theirs a Louis XV chair, I call mine a steal.

I bought mine for a desk (that I don't have yet) so it sat for a while in my dining room,

til I decided to take the parsons chairs from the end of the table and put them in the corners.

So Louis goes to the living room.

I think he feels right at home!

It's time for a glass of wine, so I'll tell you about the pillow and the mirror some other time.  Cheers!


  1. i have this same chair i found in February at Home Goods! I am looking for its pair. Would you want to sell yours?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i have this same chair i found in February at Home Goods! I am looking for its pair. Would you want to sell yours?

  4. No, am very happy with mine and may pick up another. They do have them from time to time at T.J's here in Augusta, Maine but never at such a reduced price!


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