Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Oh my goodness gracious, it's Valentine's Day!  Happy Valentine's Day to one and all, especially my family.

Douglas and I have been married twenty-eight years and have two absolutely wonderful children and a yellow lab!

I must have married him for his sense of humor.

Our son, D.J., is twenty-six and I finally have a photo of him without a golf club in his hand or a baseball cap on his head, what a handsome devil!

Next is Amy, our almost twenty-five year old, with her Dad in Florida, couldn't be cuter!

And last, but not least, Hobie, who wears his heart on his chest!

I'd say I'm a pretty lucky gal, wouldn't you?

P.S. Hey, those of you on Facebook who haven't been able to leave comments on the blog would you try again sometime soon, so I can see if I have fixed the problem!  If it still doesn't work, I'll have to consult an expert.


  1. I figured it out eventually, so others can! Beautiful family, inc. Hobie.

  2. You are the best blog follower I know, thanks!
    P.S. And smartest, I might add, since you figured this whole thing out.


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