Friday, January 20, 2012


In our little town of Hallowell, Maine,  I am known to hibernate during the winter months.  I putter around the house and do a few errands and putter around the house and do a few errands, that's about it. Today the sun is shining and it is cold, but gorgeous, so I donned my $9.99 down parka (Lands End) from Goodwill and my $79.95 (regularly $269.00) Emu Australian sheepskin boots from Mardens ( that's my surplus and salvage store) and braved the cold, just for you.

I wanted you to see my home,  my town and my neighbors. Hallowell is known as the Antique Capital of Maine, the Little Easy, as well as Little Georgetown. With it's antique shops,  bars that feature live music, it's brick sidewalks and gas lamps, it is a stone's throw from the state capital, Augusta.  Lawmakers, lawyers, musicians and artists are at home in Hallowell.

My home was built in the early 1800's and was known as a workman's cottage.  

Oh, by the way,  it's painted Provence Creme with Essex Green shutters, both from Benjamin Moore.

It sits smack in the center of town so I can walk to the restaurants, bars, antique shops and galleries.  I think it's a prime location.

Brick sidewalks and gas lamps and a bit of whimsy line Water Street, a block from my house.

Even closer than the shops, is the the Hubbard Free Library, right next door!  Our yellow lab, Hobie, is a frequent visitor.

That is the library, not a church, but we do have two right behind us.

So, I can eat, drink, read and pray without spending a penny on gas, in my little town of Hallowell, Maine.  Can't wait til spring, it's just around the corner, you know.  In the meantime, I've got a lot of work to do, I'm way behind in my puttering!


  1. I love it!!!! You have found your calling with this blog. I should start one...on how to gain 16 pounds in 2 months without even trying. Ha!!!!

    1. Am so happy you like it. Your comments are greatly appreciated! How about a Real Estate blog. I often read one a gal has in Darien.

  2. Pamela Carlin1/20/2012 6:00 PM

    I love your pictures - it makes me so homesick! Keep on posting!

    1. Thanks, it was a beautiful day in Maine.
      PS. ikat should be here tomorrow, my fingers are crossed.


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