Monday, January 23, 2012

Enough With The Ikat

There's a story behind every Ikat, at least in this house there is. I ordered some fabric, hoping it would match my cushionless sofa, my previous post, Ikat, will catch you up on that one.  It arrived on Saturday in an oversized envelope.  I hadn't been so anxious about opening something, since this, "not working up to her full potential" gal, received those fateful letters long ago, just hoping some institution of higher learning would be happy to take her daddy's money.

I did make it to college and yes, Ballard's Seafoam Mirabella Ikat is indeed Kravet's Ikat Vari.  Phew, I have so many more important things to ponder, like which orange and white cardboard box to open for lunch.

So, I'm almost done with this Ikat thing, just one more, please?  You see, I need fabric for some pillows to go on the neutral sofa I see in my future.  Can't be the same, got to mix the Ikat up a bit.  Finally I found it.

I came across a remnant at Loom, very nice, and it brings two more colors into the room. It's a "second," not perfect, but I can live with that and it's $19.99 a yard price.  It's perfect sister is a whopping $109.99 a yard. Yep, it will make beautiful pillows for the other side of the room.

Great minds think alike.  Look  what I found at The Well Appointed House, Greenwich, Ct., and it's only $230.00.

Now, I really am done, I promise.  I don't even know how this Ikat thing got started. Could it have been a month or so ago in Florida?  I didn't even see it coming.

When my living room is done, and the girls come over for a glass of wine or two, and someone utters those fateful words "love the sofa, where did you find this fabulous fabric?"  Oh boy, do I have a story for them!


  1. I love the seafoam Marabella Ikat print.. wish I had yards of it. : )
    my site is

    Love your site..
    ciao Lauren

  2. Thanks. Just had a few laughs , thanks to your blog!.


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