Thursday, October 8, 2015

One Room Challenge Week One

I am thrilled to be a guest participant in the amazing One Room Chalkenge. Visit Calling It Homeand follow along as I redo my dining room armed with a paint brush and staple gun!

My dining room has gone through lots of changes in the past fifteen years.
I recently replaced the large rectangular table with a small round one in hopes of making  this little used room more casual and into a room that can be used for more than dining.

This week I'm going to start by lightening the walls, light and airy is where I'm going!

So here I go again!

Live Well Without Breaking The Bank!

Cheers, Melinda !

1 comment:

  1. I so love that navy but I can't wait to see where you are going with this change! It will be just as lovely, I'm sure!


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