Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thrift Shop Thursday

Look what I found at Goodwill the other day.

I know you are questioning my judgement at this point, and to be honest I thought it was a little ugly too, but it was the right size and I thought it might work. You have to have an open mind if you venture into thrifting.

Doesn't everyone want a "vintage" burlap shade? 
Guess not.

For $3.99, it was worth a try, really it's not that bad.

Yep, I knew it, a perfect fit, but something is missing.

A little bit of grosgrain ribbon makes all the difference, suddenly it doesn't look like it belongs in the trash. 


She's looking good, but has to get out of that Monroe Bisque room, it does nothing for her. 

                          HAPPY THRIFTING!


  1. LOVE the lampshade! And the ribbon makes it even more perfect. I love how you know just the right finishing touch for any object. I would have stared at that lampshade for days... :)

  2. Your comments are always so kind, thank you for hanging in there, Helen.


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