Friday, November 2, 2012

Fun & Fanciful Friday

Five fun and fanciful images that caught my eye on my travels through the internet this week!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. ValenzMom (aka Helen)11/07/2012 10:52 AM

    Oh, I just love that last room! That pink brick floor is to die for. Then just add the little button to call for my champaign (as well as a person to bring it to me) and I'll be all set!

  2. We may not have a floor like that or a button to summons champagne, but what the heck, we have our creativity!

  3. Oops! It's an area rug!

  4. ValenzMom (aka Helen)11/09/2012 9:17 AM

    A rug!!! That's crazy! Brick would definately be better.


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