Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Cabin in the Woods

I wrote this four years ago, not much as changed 'cept we're all much cuter now.😀

We met in 1968, yep 1968. It was a tea in Greenwich, Ct., how lovely. A tea for incoming freshman on their way to Centenary College for Women (since then they've dropped the women part).

Now in 2012, we meet once again for our annual stay at a cabin in the woods.

Wine, Vodka, Lemons, Limes, Ice, Chocolate Cake, Pasta Salad, Scrabble? Check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check...we're ready to go!

Park the car, down a hill, through the woods,

on to the dock, our chariot awaits!

Across the lake,

to another dock,

up a hill, and we've made it!

Away from it all. We talk and eat and talk and drink and talk and talk and talk. We're young again. Forget the parade of pills and vitamins lined up along the kitchen counter, the sleeveless tops that grew three quarter length sleeves and the readers that play hide and seek with us. We're a lively trio.

We solve the problems of the world. Boat, V, or round? Necklines, of course. Short, chin or shoulder? That would be hair. And, boot, straight, or skinny? You guessed it, jeans!

The time together has gone too fast, just as the years have.

Back to our lives in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Maine, knowing next year we will meet once again at the cabin in the woods!



  1. How incredibly wonderful! My mother, at age 76, still gets together with 3 of her college friends, too. She lives in TX, one lives in KS, one in CT, one in CA and one in HI! When my daughter graduated high school, she and I went to Hawaii with my mother and we stayed with her friend there. It was so much fun!
    Great to see that you and your friends still get together for your own "alone" time.

  2. Good for your mother! I bet you will always remember that trip to Hawaii with your mother and daughter. Enjoy your comments, what does Valenz stand for?

  3. Beautifully done! I love the pics you chose, at least of the nonhuman kind. I get the prize for Dyke of the Year...but oh well! It was so nice to see it in living color. A great job as usual! Onward to Boston in the snow!

  4. Valenz is just short for Valenzuela, my last name. My first name is Helen. Sometimes you'll see my comments on HGTV Rate My Space as kleentx.

  5. Nice to meet you, Helen. Kleentx? Something to do with Texas?

  6. Yes, I live in Austin,Texas, the capitol of this great state. I am originally from N. California, born just outside of Sacramento. But my parents moved to TX when I was 4 and I have lived in El Paso, Ft. Worth, Laredo, Corpus Christi, Harlingen, and now Austin. I even spent a summer in Lubbock with my grandparents when I was 8. I know just about every inch of this state. My mother's relatives are from Arkansas so we used to spend most summers there, too. Both of my children were born in Harlingen and when we moved to Austin 20 yrs ago, the first thing they said when we arrived is that it looked just like Arkansas to them because it's so hilly and full of trees.


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