Thursday, May 3, 2012

White Dove, Oh The Possibilities!

Many of you are well aware that I am on a WHITE roll.  After COLOR on my walls for many years, I am really enjoying the versatility of my White Dove front hall!

During the first hint of spring, I jazzed it up with some pops of color.

Then, just this morning, after days of rain (and more in the forecast) I warmed it up a bit.

Unexpected things ...... why not?

The basket can tote strays from upstairs back where they belong and the scarf just happened to be hanging over the banister.  (i wear it all the time, thanks Amy!)

Yes, I have another pillow just like that on my living room sofa, and I know, having the same fabric in two rooms of your home is a decorating faux pas......but knowing me, neither will stay for long.

With White Dove and the fact that I  have more pillows than T.J.'s, the possibilities are endless!

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