Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Go Figure

Perhaps because we have had so much rain lately, I woke up this morning with Yellow on my mind.  I woke up vividly picturing Yellow and White stripes, go figure.

Yellow and White does lift your spirits, don't you think?   (Thanks Pinterest!)

It's been pretty gray, not very energizing, but I did make it to Goodwill after putzing around outside for a while.  I think I found the beginning of my new, little, officey, room.  Of course it's going to be White Dove, but I wasn't sure what else.  I have a farmhouse table, an old chair, a bookcase and now some very interesting Yellow and White striped fabric. ($12.00 for 4.5 yards.)  It's stripes are velvet and it will be wonderful seated at the farmhouse table turned desk.  Yellow and White stripes, go figure!!

So now my mind is racing.  Should the furniture be black or white, what do I want on the floor, on the windows, for accessories????  All because of a thought in the morning, a trip to Goodwill and someone else's leftover fabric.

                    GO FIGURE !



  1. Lately, I've been urging my hubby to paint our rehabbed furniture silver (or at least part of it). We refurbished a dining table for a bachelor by painting the legs black and the top silver. He went nuts over it. Then we redid a dresser in black, mirrored the top and replaced the pulls with silver ones - very Art Deco.
    Your new fabric is reminiscent of that era, too. It would look great against black, white or silver furniture. I'd go all out and glam it up (since it's a small room anyway). Hang a little beaded chandelier, go with a silver or crystal lamp and accessorize the desk with a black onyx desk set. Of course, don't forget the lead crystal vase of fresh daisies!

  2. Wonderful ideas.....I should have you do it for me. I seem to spend more time working on the porch and garden lately. It's sooo nice to be outside!

    The table you did for your friend sounds great!


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