Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Black Front Door

I mentioned a while back my desire to paint the white front door black.  Now we have lived here about 11 years and when we arrived the door was green.  Since then I have painted it red (to match the barn), Essex Green (to match the shutters), and white.  Well it's black now and going to stay that way!!

I know, I'll get to the white trim sometime soon.

A couple of dollars of paint.......what a difference!

I thought about removing the storm door, but decided against it, it's nice to let the sun stream in the front hall.

Did you know a six panel door like this portrays a cross and an open bible to some?

Here she is before being glossed black.

I, for one, think she looks much more elegant in black. Makes me want to run right upstairs, put on my black top and pearls and feel elegant too!

So I did.



  1. I love the way your door looks! In your previous post re your porch, I hadn't even noticed your door - that's how much the white did for it! In the before pic where the door is white, the knob seems dark whereas now that the door is black the knob is brighter. Did you polish it or is that just an effect of the light v. dark paint?
    I'm glad you added that tidbit about the cross and open bible on a 6-panel door. I had not heard that before. I have 6-panel doors at home and I really like that analogy.

  2. I did polish the knob as best I could. It does show up much better against the black, even though it is not much of a knob!!


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