Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Do you ever get tired of looking at the same old thing in the same old place?  I do, quite frequently.  Today it was the kitchen, it needed some sprucing up. The baker's rack was full of mail and glasses and keys and duct tape and who knows what, it needed some T.L.C.

I guarantee that the rectangular baking dish will be filled with mail in no time! 

Next the original kitchen cabinet. When we bought the house 10 years ago, there were no cabinets as we know them.

Hobie sleeps in front of this and there are always dog cookies and empty orange dry cans and cabernet bottles on this lovely old piece, not today.

I just added this little table and lamp, great place to throw your keys as you come in the back door (don't want to be throwing those messy keys into a casserole dish on the baker's rack).

That's the back door, off the porch.  The back staircase is right there and that's the dining room in the distance.  The back little entry gets way to  much use, just look at the floor.  Time to call the refinishing man.

Won't Doug be surprised when he gets home and can't find his mail, his glasses, his cell phone charger and his coffee change?  It's all in a basket in the bottom of the pantry, he can deal with it.

I was so happy with my refreshed kitchen I put a chicken in the oven (manager's special, $3.00 off). I never buy a whole chicken, we don't really like the dark meat but I know someone who does.......bark, bark!

                          A few little changes,
                         make the whole room seem new!


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