Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Porch Duty

It has been unseasonably warm and bright for this time of the year in Maine, just had to be outside.  My half a dozen projects in various states inside will just have to wait.

Sweep, read, sit in the sun.  Sweep, read, sit in the sun, fraid I didn't get much done.  Lots of planning though while soaking in this marvelous March sun.

Two chairs made it out of the barn and follow the sun from one end of the porch to the other.

Years ago, someone had the bright idea to enclose the section of the porch by the back door.  I am so glad they did, warmed by the sun, it's the first place you can sit, sort of outside, in the evening after months of winter.

It's tiny, about eight by twelve, and barely holds a chaise, table and chair.

Dust the cobwebs, wash the window, place the furniture, won't take long at all.  We'll be out there before you know it.  Are you a porch lover like me?

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