Monday, February 6, 2012

Two Dollars and a Target Lampshade

Two dollars and just about two minutes later, my Target lampshades are custom, and more importantly, continue the pop of red around the room.  Can you believe it?  

One dollar a yard for the perfect woven trim, it was like it was meant to be.

How simple is this, glue gun anyone?

This is actually just pinned, two little straight pins, you'd never know.

I am thrilled with my new, twenty-two dollar, custom, lampshades, aren't you?

Now, I am off to do something I have never done before, paint a room WHITE!

I'm taking a gamble on this one, hope my winning streak holds, thanks GIANTS!!!


  1. I love your blog, Melinda. It felt like we were still neighbors for a few mintues!


  2. Oh thanks Jayme, I am having fun. It's all new to me. I need help, not very computer savy!


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