Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Salvatore and Bruno

I have always liked nice shoes.  I can remember the smell of my brand new Weejuns from the Darien Bootery and the gleaming white Keds that, in those days were $5.00 at Jimmys, down the street. I also remember a pair of Easter shoes, red Maryjanes that would get little wear, coming from Tots and Teens Thrift Shop also in Darien.  And who can forget the Papagallos and Capezios we just had to have in high school. I still fancy shoes and it doesn't bother me one iota if someone else fancied them before me.

A bit tired from painting the living room, I decided to take a break today and go shopping.  I was thrilled to run in to Signore Ferragamo at Goodwill.

I bought my first Ferragamos at a Hadassah thrift shop, that became a lunch hour haunt, when I was working in New York City over thirty years ago.  These may not be stylish enough for some, but to me they are classic and I'll wear them for years with my straight legged jeans and navy blue blazer.

Amy came from Ireland to spend Christmas with us in Florida.  That girl just can't stop studying.

While she was in Florida, look what she found her dear mother.

Yes, a lovely pair of Bruno Maglis.  Won't they just dress my blazer and jeans right up?

I paid $3.00 for the Ferragamos and, as Amy would say, the Bruno's cost her a fiver.  I'd say I've raised a pretty darn good little shopper wouldn't you?


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