Thursday, February 23, 2012

Red Carpet Glamour Cocktail

I'm not a movie buff, but I do like Champagne, I knew I'd like something about the Oscars!

Moet Red Carpet Glamour Cocktail.

Here's how you make it.

Fill a chilled champagne flute 1/2 way with ice.
Stir 1 ounce fresh squeezed Sour Mix and 1 ounce Hum Botanical Spirit with fresh ice.
Strain into flute to fill 1/2 way.
Top with Moet and Chandon Imperial.
Garnish with a single rose petal.

Now that's pretty easy.

Continually refresh as you wish with Champagne as it will float on top of the Hum Sour, but it's effervescence will deliver Hum's heady Cardamom and Kaffir lime notes.

To make Fresh Squeeze Sour Mix, combine 1 cup sugar with 1 cup water until sugar is completely dissolved.  Add 1 cup fresh lime juice and 1 cup fresh lemon juice and refrigerate.

I just knew I'd find a use for those Valentine's Day roses!

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