Friday, February 10, 2012

Does Black Say Welcome?

It has been so warmish and sunny here in Maine that I can't help but think of spring and my front porch.  I want to make a big change this year and paint the front door black.  The house is Provence Creme and the shutters are Essex Green, black will do. 

 Oh my gosh it looks terrible, good thing no one uses it and it is less offensive from the street and the storm door go will go far away. Could this turn into...


I guess it is more than paint, a little bit of hardware is also in order, doable.

I already have the urn, I'm way ahead of the game.

Isn't this fantastic, from a shop called Ever Blooming Original on Etsy. I hope I can come up with something half as nice. Oh, I can't wait for a black front door!        

I have already started researching the paint options, I didn't realize that there are almost as many blacks out there as whites, here we go again.

I need help!  Anyone have a black front door?  What did you use for paint?

P.S.  Well, I'm happy to hear from a  number of people, that they cannot leave comments, and I thought no one cared.  I think I have fixed the problem, I hope so.  So new at this and so much to learn! Thanks for your patience and support!


  1. Don't you love to stroll around Beacon Hill and see all of the lovely, satiny dark doors with the elegant polished brass hardware? My door is black and I love it, to the extent that I won't put a storm on to ruin it. don't remember the paint...have a Nantucket basket knocker without lacquer so that I can polish it. And a brass oval with the house number. Hope to replace the door handle soon with federal period style Baldwin with the large rectangular inside lock. The only downside is that holiday greens disappear in the black so you have to be creative. Oh how I do go on...;)

  2. Oh my gosh, your door sounds wonderful! I totally agree, give up the storm door. Haven't been to Boston for a few years but do remember the homes on Beacon Hill, probably why I like old homes. Is your door black on the inside also, that 's what I am planning to do. Satin or Glossy?

  3. Glossy I guess. Satin inside, and it is white on the inside to match the rest of the front hall woodwork. Which needs repainting and wouldn't I love to paint right over that wallpaper...what a job to remove it. Would require scaffolding like it did to put it up...whatever was I thinking...;/


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