Monday, January 30, 2012

Empty Handed

This past weekend, my husband and I traveled south, south that is,  to Brunswick, Maine.  It's a college town, home to Bowdoin, and has many more shops and restaurants than our little city of Hallowell.  We thought we'd mosey around a while.

Before we even got to town, we were met with a mess of traffic.  It was all going into the parking lot of what was once a mill, a building now housing offices, a restaurant or two, and a humongous flea market.  

I'm a pearl fanatic, but nah.

Never been a knitter, takes too long.

Can't remember the last time I made a pot of soup.

I love Maine, but not it's lobsters, or maybe I do.

I think this about sums it up.

I came out empty handed.
How about you, any fabulous finds this weekend?

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