Living in Maine, summer cannot come too soon, and for me, summer is porch season! Our house is in the center of town so rarely do we sit on our porch without a greeting from a passerby or a visit from a neighborly friend.
That's last year's photo. the pink petunias did not fare well so this year it's Boston ferns all the way.
The porch is very similar to last year, the Target table cloth (although a bit faded) and matching piece on the love seat. Changed the pillows, pink last year because of the petunias, and added a few new additions from Goodwill and Christmas Tree.
The little bentwoodish chairs were $1.99 at Goodwill. They must have come from a restaurant because they are very sturdy! I found an outdoor window panel at Christmas Tree Shop $9.99 and the stripes bring in a little blue which is good, (you'll see why later), and they won't fade!
I always paint everything on the porch one color, wicker, wood, metal, anything, ties it all together, been high gloss black for a few years. I do spray paint almost anything that is not moving. Hobie, our yellow lab, knows only too well not to come behind the barn when he smells spray paint! Amy, our daughter, found me the little yellow dish while we were at a flea market in Brussels, a euro or two, but priceless to me!
The red lacquer tray is also from Goodwill, don't remember how much, but you know me, it couldn't have been more than a couple of dollars. The footstool was $5.00 at a yard sale . This year red seemed to be my color so I just ran around the house collecting pillows and accessories in red and then added some yellow!
The addition of some really fake "oriental" pottery, again from Goodwill years ago adds some new depth the my very old wicker love seat!

The far end of the porch is pretty much clear since it is a major thoroughfare to the back door which is in constant use. The chaise gets the last ounce of sun at the end of the day and is usually reserved for me!
And this is why I was so glad to see the blue stripe in the panel I cut up to cover pieces on the front porch. Guess you'd call it my transition color. This little enclosed porch has a door to the front porch, a door to our mini pocket garden and also leads to our back door so it cannot be filled with much. Basically, it is a place to sit and change into my walking/running shoes and sometimes set up a small table with drinks and appetizers, but it has to look nice cuz I am in and out a hundred times a day!
Lastly, I leave you with a bit of advice from where else but Goodwill.
It sits on the little blue I getting just a wee bit tacky in my old age?