Simplicity reigns in the front hall. Everything is pretty much white with a few gold accents thrown in, along with a leopard rug! So I decided to keep it that way.
A touch of tassel for the season...
and some glittery gold.
Yep, there they bed sheet bows!
The eyelet trim (from the sheet) even found a home.
A peek into the living room... can't go any further, the tree is not quite done and the mantle just begun!
I have really been into white this year, painting my front hall and living room White Dove. My dining room is Monroe Bisque (not sure I love it) with white cotton duck seat covers. So, after hanging the garland on the dining room mantle and weaving a gold and white ribbon through it, I stood back and decided it looked pretty yucky! It needed white and not that flimsy white ribbon they sell everywhere! So I had to improvise...
The white cotton duck I had left over from the chairs was too heavy and I could find nothing in the house. Off to Goodwill where I found a brand spanking clean white sheet for $3.99. Ripped into pieces, ironed to about four inches wide, and yes, it made beautiful bows and bedecking for not only this mantle but for the staircase too. (Another day.)
The white cotton duck slipcovers got into the Christmas spirit with the addition of a napkin marked Smithsonian Institute (it should say Goodwill, 25 cents). Thrilled with my bed sheet bows, I have just one little problem. What do I do with the bow made from the sheet's eyelet trim?
Our daughter is coming from Ireland and my Mother-In-Law Florida to spend Christmas with us, so I thought I had better get an early start on the Christmas decorating. I never have a plan, it just happens. Last year my kitchen cupboard was sort of elegant, but the birds were a bit creepy!
This year, more traditional, no creep factor at all!
So that is the beginning. On to the two mantles, the staircase and, of course, the tree. Only one this year! I THINK!!!
I have told you about my sofas from my salvage store that were 90% off, $400.00 each, and my not so favorite matching chair for under $200.00. And you most likely remember my $159.00 area rug, $75.00 Louis chair, and $2.50 a panel curtains. Add to that the $39.00 coffee table ( the repurposed dining table), and the recycled dining chairs. Throw in a pair of brass and marble lamps, $10.00 each and an $8.00 hand painted side chair. An assortment of hand-me-down pieces, accessories, and pillows complete the picture. They all add up to a small living room with a big personality!
A sprinkling of pink makes me happy during the long winter months and a smattering of black and gold, just because!
I am not crafty, never have been, never will be! But, when I saw this little, tiny, project on Pinterest, I was off to the Dollar Store. Four Bucks! White tissue paper, white balloons, white glue, and battery operated tea lights.
Blow up the balloon, rip up the tissue paper, dip it in watered down glue, and wrap around the balloon. Simple, even I was successful! Let it dry, cut a hole in the balloon (for the tea light), remove the popped balloon, and VOILA!
I plan on making a few more (they take just a few minutes) and using them in my greens on my dining room table this Christmas! They are sitting in a fern now, so you can see how much fun they are and just how crafty I am! Who knew!!!
I have always wanted a large coffee table between the two sofas in the living room, I mean LARGE! Found it!
A solid wood dining room table for $39.00 at Goodwill. (Sorry, the legs were cut off before I got to a camera). It was painted green so I tried roughing it up a bit with sandpaper, not much luck. Oh well, I primed and then rolled on three light coats of high gloss black.
The center seam doesn't bother me, but you could very well use some filler and sand. Turned out just fine!
Happy as a clam with my repurposed dining room table! Now let me put the rest of the room together and you'll see how well it works in the center of the room...stay tuned!